Our value of ‘partners in learning’ is central to ensuring we communicate progress well to children and families

Teachers undertake continual assessment of students’ progress in lessons to ensure learning is pitched to present consistently high challenge. This assessment is communicated effectively to students so they can act on the feedback and see progress in their learning. This forms part of our consistent approach to learning called ‘The Learning Line’.
Reporting on progress
The continual assessment of progress is captured through Progress Reports three times a year. As part of our commitment to being partners in learning, this report is discussed by each child and their coach to set targets together to support progress moving forward. The content of the Progress Report also forms the basis for conversations between the coach and parents/carers at Meet Your Coach Days. Progress is rewarded at the end of each term with assemblies celebrating success. Certificates are presented to students demonstrating outstanding Character for Achievement attributes such as resilience, independence, motivation and empathy.

Reporting on attainment
In Key Stage 3, twice a year students receive a report following their midterm and finals examinations. These detailed reports highlight strengths and areas for development against age-related expectations.
In Key Stage 4, twice a year students receive a report following mock examinations. These reports show progress towards qualification target grades.